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Uilen Ethiopia
Bird Ethiopia
Bird Ethiopia
Flamingos Ethiopia
Bird Ethiopia

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You can find trip reports of some birdwatchers, touring with us here :

March 2018

With our different birdguides and guests, we did an 8 day birding Tour in 2018. Our results were unexpected.

342 different birds, 8 different Owls and 17 of the 22 Endemics.


Here is a list of the most outstanding birds that we observed:

Endemics :

Black winged Love bird, Rouget's Rail, Blue winged goose, Banded barbet(nest), Ethiopian Boubou, Sombre Chat, Wattled Ibis, Spot breasted Plover, White collared Pigeon, Abyssinian Longclaw, Erlanger Lark , Slaty Flycatcher, Thick billed Raven, White Backed Tit, Abyssinian Oriole, Black headed Siskin, White cheeked Turaco.


Owls : Barn Owl (nest), Verreaux’s Eagle Owl, Wood Owl, Greyish Eagle Owl, Northern White Faced Owl, Abyssian Long-Eared Owl , Cape Eagle Owl,  African Scops Owl.

Other species : Lesser Jacana ,Blue breasted Bee eater, Saddle billed Stork with immatures, Arabian Bustards, Carmine Bee eater, Little Bee-eater, White Bellied Go-Away bird, Chestnut-naped Francolin, Groundscraper Thrush, Abyssinian Ground Thrush,  African Pygmy Goose, Black Heron, Senegal Thick-Knee, African Jacana, Squacco Heron, Goliath Heron, Silvery Cheeked Hornbill, Abyssinian Ground Hornbill, Paradise Flycatcher, Secretary Bird (nest), Lappet Faced Vulture, Egyptian Vulture, Ayres’s Hawk-Eagle, Grey-headed  Kingfisher, Abdim’s Stork (nest), Black Billed Barbet, Double Toothed Barbet, Swallow Tailed Kite, Spotted Creeper, Narina Trogon, Klaas Cuckoo, Black Crowned Crane, Lammergeier.


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